It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. For these projects, Open thinks about writing and design inseparably, making recommendations about what words to use as well as how those words are presented.
Open develops the annual Impact Report for Endeavor.
A few years ago we were introduced to Endeavor, a non-profit organization that helps entrepreneurs around the world grow their businesses, create more jobs, and improve life in their communities. At first we designed Endeavor’s Impact Report. Now we help them figure out what the Impact Report should say, too.
Linda Rottenberg, Endeavor co-founder + CEO: "Open encouraged us to completely rethink the objectives of our Impact Report. It is clean and elegant—but not stuffy—and truly brings our story to life. We are thrilled.”
Open created the editorial design of Good magazine.
When we met the founders of Good they had a logo and an idea: a magazine “for people who give a damn.” We used design to clarify their point of view, designed and produced every page of their first 15 issues, consulted on their videos and website, and helped grow a global community interested in changing the world.
Max Schorr, co-founder, Good: “It’s hard to fully convey our respect and gratitude for Open. We love the way they design things and make them better. And they are a pleasure to work with.”
Open designed a book from Stanford University’s
Scott Doorley and Scott Withhoft believe that experimenting with the design of the spaces we work in can help us think in new ways. So we experimented with the structure, design, and content of their book to do exactly the same thing. As a result, Make Space is an engaging resource for inspiration and action.
Scott Witthoft, Make Space co-author: “We were very fortunate to work with Open, who are experts at not only understanding communication but designing it for the reader’s experience rather than convention alone.”